Career and Life Planning

Teachers in-charge:

- Ms. HO Ching Man

- Ms. YEUNG Lo Yu

- Ms. YIP Ting Wai

- Mr. CHAN Chi Wing

- Ms. LAI Yuk Sim

- Ms. LAM Suk Ching

- Mr. NG Kwok Fung

- Mr. John Francis GUEST

- Mr. YIM Chun Piu


  1. To foster students’ self-understanding on personal interests, characters and career/academic aspirations.
  2. To provide information regarding career/academic choices that students can make wise decisions which suit their interest and aspiration.
  3. To develop students’ ability to manage and reflect their life planning.
Experience on Mock Release of HKDSE Results
Job Shadowing in North West New Territories Refuse Transfer Station
Get $et Go! Financial Workshop
Job Shadowing in Siu Ho Wan Sewage Treatment Works and Solar Farm
Workplace Visit to CMM Monita Academy
Rotary Mock Interview Workshop
ICAC iTeen leadership Programme - Life Planning Sharing
The Upcoming Industry: E-Sportmania
CUHK Info Day
HKBU Info Day
HKUST Info Day

Graduates' Sharing