Service Learning


2022-2023 義工服務報告


1. Different activities and voluntary services can provide students with an opportunity to expose themselves to people from varying backgrounds in society so that they can be able to serve and care for the community.

2. Students can have a deeper understanding of themselves and develop leadership abilities through participating in various activities.

3. Promote positive values of self-fulfillment and enhance a sense of social belonging.


1. Training for Volunteers

2. Volunteer Service

3. Team-building Activities

4. Overseas Service Tour



-元朗區學生全方位增值計劃2022 : 海洋保育之旅





-S4 淨灘活動

-2023 「結義同行」義工交流營








2021-2022 義工服務報告


- 童軍知友社賽馬會朗屏青少年服務中心 : 110暖在心資源共享計劃

- 元朗大會堂:元朗義工推廣月啟動禮

- 香港乳癌基金會:乳健同躍動

- 愛護動物協會:希爾思X愛協全城狗狗線上行2021:狗狗情人蜜蜜行

- 環保促進會:著綠狂奔2021

- 敬老護老愛心會有限公司:「敬老護老愛心券」2021慈善籌款運動

- 義務工作發展局:淨灘義工服務

- 元朗大會堂:「唱出真善美」歌唱比賽 (義工服務)

- 公益金 : 公益金便服日

- 元朗公立中學:冬日送暖顯關懷

- 義務工作發展局:在家行義傳遞愛

- 教育局:眾志成城團結抗疫

- 新界社團聯會、青晉義工團:五光十色祥龍慶回歸

- 元朗大會堂管理委員會有限公司:慶祝香港特別行政區成立二十五周年之全民大日子

- 協青社:協青30週年虛擬慈善行2021

- JomRun Hong Kong:世界和平之跑 - 香港 PEACE RUN

- 元朗大會堂:2022 義工領袖訓練計劃

Activities in 2020-2021:

- The Care for The Elderly Association Limited:Care for The Elderly Charity Ticket Campaign 2021

- Agency for Volunteer Service:Fight Coronavirus Together Volunteer Care Action

- YMCA:Light in the Darkness

- Agency for Volunteer Service:“Send Your Warmth in Festival”

- Pocari Sweat HK:”Sweat with Heart”

- Community Youth Club (Yuen Long District):2020-2021 Greening for the Chest - Charity Plant Sale

- YLPSS:”Masks with Love to Elderly”Community Service

- The Free Methodist Church of Hong Kong:FMCHK Flag Day

Activities in 2019-2020:

- The Hong Kong Federation of Youth Groups: NEIGHBOURHOOD First Loving Soup 2019

- The Hong Kong Federation of Youth Groups: NEIGHBORHOOD First Reunion Dinner 2020